Google adds 'Badges' to Image Search on Mobile - Toronto SEO Expert

Google Company logoIn their never-ending effort to improve the access of info for all internet users, Google has recently rolled out a new feature to their image search.  Known as “Badges,” the new feature will now display a small badge in the right-hand corner of certain images, for those that link to more in-depth information about the image itself.

Web masters can apply these new badges to an image using a structured data markup.  Currently, available badges include recipes, videos, products, and GIF’s – with much more on the way!  Google algorithms will automatically apply GIF badges, while web developers will be charged with tagging the rest of their media.

It goes without saying that, if leveraged probably, Google Badges can provide a serious boon to your website’s media in Google search results.  As an example, a developer can apply a recipe badge to an image that links to a detailed recipe for the food it displays, and the badge will indicate this to users who stumble across the image in Google image searches.  Therefore, badges provide a simple new mechanism for greater website traffic – having your images link to interesting, relevant information.  For example, attach detailed recipes to images of food on your site to gain a recipe

Therefore, badges provide a simple new mechanism for greater website traffic – having your images link to interesting, relevant information.  For example, attach detailed recipes to images of food on your site to gain a recipe badge or associate product badges with images of the items you are selling, so users stumbling across the image will know they can purchase it.

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Google image badges

In regards to learning and troubleshooting, Google has laid out detailed instructions, tips, and troubleshooting pointers in their Google Webmaster Blog.  Furthermore, a Structured Data Testing Tool is available for verifying the badges on your images.  It is important to note that using the markup does not guarantee that badges will appear on your image, making the Structured Data Testing Tool critical for verification.  To improve your chances, be sure to have excellent content linked to your excellent images!

Finally, before hedging your bets on Google Badges, be sure that you have a well crafted mobile website offering.  Badges only appear in mobile searches at the moment, and as such, will direct your users to mobile versions of your website.  In short, have great content, great images, a little technical knowledge, and an excellent mobile website, and you too will be able to turn over a huge increase in traffic and conversions with Google Badges!